La Cetate

Locul numit La Cetate, aflat aproape de intersectia strazilor Schitu Magureanu si Stirbei Vodă, reprezintă un punct de interes al Parcului Cișmigiu. Acest loc este plin de mistere si in jurul lui au aparut o serie de legende urbane.

De fapt, aceasta “cetate” reprezintă ruinele unei foste mănăstiri. Despre aceasta se spune că a fost construită în 1756 de logofătul C. Văcărescu. De asemenea, se mai spune că de aici (din zona primei bolți de lângă stradă) pornea un tunel secret care lega Palatul Crețulescu, pe sub Cișmigiu, de malul plin de ascunzători al Dâmboviței.

Palatul Crețulescu este un palat istoric amplasat lângă Parcul Cișmigiu din București, sector 1, situat în partea dinspre strada Știrbei Vodă. Castelul a fost construit pe un teren locuit încă din epoca bronzului. În această regiune au fost descoperite numeroase vestigii arheologice din acea epocă, dar şi urmele unor castre romane.

The place called La Cetate, located near the intersection of Schitu Magureanu and Stirbei Vodă streets, is a point of interest of Cișmigiu Park. This place is full of mysteries and a series of urban legends have appeared around it.

In fact, this “citadel” represents the ruins of a former monastery. It is said that it was built in 1756 by the logofat C. Văcărescu. It is also said that a secret tunnel started from here (from the area of ​​the first vault next to the street) that connected the Crețulescu Palace, under Cișmigiu, to the banks of Dâmbovița, full of hiding places.

Crețulescu Palace is a historic palace located near Cișmigiu Park in Bucharest, sector 1, located on the side facing Știrbei Vodă Street. The castle was built on a land inhabited since the Bronze Age. Numerous archaeological vestiges from that era were discovered in this region, as well as traces of some Roman camps.

The place called La Cetate, located near the intersection of Schitu Magureanu and Stirbei Vodă streets, is a point of interest of Cișmigiu Park. This place is full of mysteries and a series of urban legends have appeared around it.

In fact, this “citadel” represents the ruins of a former monastery. It is said that it was built in 1756 by the logofat C. Văcărescu. It is also said that a secret tunnel started from here (from the area of ​​the first vault next to the street) that connected the Crețulescu Palace, under Cișmigiu, to the banks of Dâmbovița, full of hiding places.

Crețulescu Palace is a historic palace located near Cișmigiu Park in Bucharest, sector 1, located on the side facing Știrbei Vodă Street. The castle was built on a land inhabited since the Bronze Age. Numerous archaeological vestiges from that era were discovered in this region, as well as traces of some Roman camps.