The bust of George Coșbuc

The bust of George Coșbuc is made in marble by the sculptor Ioan Gr. Popovici. Placed in 1943, it is one of the twelve busts in the Writers’ Round in Cișmigiu Garden.

Another work of Ioan Gr. Popovici is the statue of Papinian (Aemilius Paulus Papinianus) in front of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest.

Who was George Coșbuc?

George Coşbuc (1866 – 1918), poet and translator, grew up with the stories told by his mother and other people from the country.

Thus, he fell in love not only with literature, but also with Romanian folklore and found inspiration for his most famous poems: “Zamfira’s Wedding”, ”Mother”, ”Only one”, “Three, Lord, and all three” ‘, ”El Zorab”, ”The enemy”, ”We want land!”, ”Winter on the street” or ”In the mirror”, highlighting the solar, idyllic side of the soul of the Romanian peasant.

He translated remarkable works that belong to universal literature, adapting “Aeneid” and “Odyssey” to the peasant environment through localization.

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